So this is the real deal if you want to be cool.

I abandoned the stupid idea of creating a browser from scratch that can barely run GitHub or even play some videos on YouTube and decided to focus on good stuff. That’s when I decided to learn more about audio processing with Juce.

My friend Julia Kaffka sent me a link about some Python library from Spotify that was created for musicians or producers. Yeah, if I say Python sucks, it is a lie. It pays my bills for quite a time now and I have no complaints about it.

But let us be honest and straightforward: it is not the best language when you’re dealing with real time signal processing. That may demand more processing that is needed if you’re working with C++ or something like that.

For my surprise, a quick look at this Spotishit library repo on GitHub: it is a cool disguise for C++ Juce Framework with some ports for Python language. Let us then try Juce from its basics.

I looked online and have found a pretty fresh full course on freeCodeCamp ( by Chuck from MatKat Music. His tutorial is mostly for Mac users, but if you are familiar with Linux and knows how to handle Makefiles to compile your code, you’ll be fine.

Learn Modern C++ by Building an Audio Plugin (w/ JUCE Framework) - Full Course

In this course you’ll learn not Modern C++, but how to create audio processors with Juce, and it is pretty tough, I must say. Advanced stuff going on all the time.

We have built a cool Simple Equalizer plugin that can run on any DAW or maybe a dedicated device (would I try it on a Raspberry Pi some day?), and Chuck also gives a brief overlook on his personal courses. I am convinced of taking his lessons in a near future. Check at

There is a snapshot of me running SimpleEq on our beloved Reaper. SimpleEq running on Reaper

Cool stuff. I will start trying to build a delay effect on Monday. Let us see. Gazers have to gaze.

*EDIT* - Important thing to say about JUCE: It can be easily ported to another operational systems. My plugin was first built on Ubuntu 20.04, and later reproduced to Windows 10 to share it with some friends. All went pretty well.

Bye then folks!


(Now playing Milly - Star Thistle Blossom)