Just about to call it a day, I must say to you people I am trying to build a browser from scratch. And it seems to work pretty well right now, I must confess.

If you’ve got the gaze as me, you’ll definitely name it some ethereal beauty like My Bloody Valentine Loveless, why not? And that’s the direction here. It is called browserless.

My intentions here are not to start a revolution or reinvent the wheel. That is only my way to avoid newspapers paywalls and practice both my C++ and Qt skills while creating sorta lightweight browser for Linux users.

Yeah, I will later add new features to OpenQVision, but I haven’t decided about them yet, and I am pretty lazy as well. I’d rather play retro games and sleep instead.

Usage example of browserless

Follow me on GitHub and/or Twitter @dev_gazer, and remember: sometimes antisocial, always antifascist.


Now playing My Bloody Valentine - Loveless ON REPEAT TILL EARS FALL OFF